Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mini-breakfast sandwich

Yes, this is something else I came up with because I had extra rolls and extra prosciutto and needed to do something with it. Who knew challah rolls would taste so good for breakfast?


4 eggs
4 slices prosciutto
4 challah rolls
salt and pepper

Slice the challah rolls in half and heat on a griddle or large pan for about 3 minutes on each side over medium heat. Scramble the eggs with salt and pepper and cook thoroughly in a pan over medium heat. Remove eggs and set aside. Heat the prosciutto in the pan for about 1 minute each side. Place one slice of prosciutto over 1/2 of each roll, add eggs to each roll, cover each sandwich with other half of roll and keep each sandwich together with a toothpick.

See, prosciutto makes everything taste good, doesn't it?

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